Saturday 1 June 2019

Little Pregnancy Updates | 23 Weeks


It's been a while, things haven't been really going great for my pregnancy. I have been under physical activities restriction on and off now, which means there's a lot of things I can't do! I can't imagine my body is so used to endorphins and dopamine and that restriction makes me kinda depressed of how little things that I could do. From 3-5 times exercises a week reduced to twice a month last month, it's frustrating! Not to mention all the other activities and work that I have to cut down too, hopefully I'll be clear soon! 

Friday 12 April 2019

Hitting That Reset Button

After months of wedding preparation, I finally able to get my normal life routine back. Piano practicing & teaching are always my priority to ease into my routine and usually it takes a while to get back into the practicing situation after all the chaos. Then my workout routine, cleaning routine, and etc etc. Being travelling so much over the last few months, my laundry chores could never ends (today my laundry basket doesn't look like mountain anymore, finally!).

And hello again to this space!

Thursday 24 January 2019

NanoMD® Bright | The Skin Whitening Tablet Review

I'm always known as puteri lilin who feels naked if heading out the door without applying sun screen, and using whitening skincare products has been one of my priority in skincare regime other than hydration. Fortunately, I was recently introduced to NanoMD® Bright which is a skin whitening supplement.